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The 5 Affirmations Every Wife Should Hear From Their Husband Every Day

Writer's picture: Brian LindnerBrian Lindner

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

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It may feel complicated and confusing trying to understand your wife and her emotional needs. Daily affirmations will give her the smile you’ve been looking for. Don’t worry, you have what it takes; affirmations are simply nice words you know to be true. Share these five affirmations with your wife everyday for a wonderful marriage.

  1. You are a blessing. Tell her out loud you are thankful for her. Gratitude is critical for great connection. This affirmation is especially great to say in the morning. When you declare her a blessing first thing, gratitude becomes the lens through which you see your relationship which prevents conflict.

  2. You are beautiful. Her outward physical beauty is important to affirm. Never stop complimenting your wife’s physical beauty. Some women with poor self image try to sabotage their husband’s affirmations, persist with your affirmation anyway. Inner beauty includes positive personality characteristics you find attractive. “I love the way you really care about people you interact with, you are beautiful.”

  3. You are loved. Sure, we overuse the word love for everything. “I love bacon, I love power tools, I love Netflix.” But declaring your love in a relationship IS special. You may even remember the first time you told her you loved her. Even if you think she should already know, tell her she is loved every day.

  4. You are desired. In their book Captivating John and Stasi Eldredge share how every woman has a deep craving to be desirable. Pursue your wife in a way which demonstrates she is desired and you will connect deeper than ever before.

  5. You are a great wife. Of all the relationships you have in your life, your marriage relationship is uniquely special. Affirm her success in your relationship. Tell her she is doing a great job of loving you.

Each affirmation intentionally begins with the word you. The focus should be her. When giving affirmations it is easy to start with yourself. “I’m blessed to be your husband” is nice but the point of saying what is true about her can get lost when you start with I.

Side note: When you are having a difficult conversation or an argument, start with I. When tensions are high starting with the word you will sound demeaning and blaming. For example “you always spend too much money.” In a heated discussion begin by explaining how you feel in the situation. For example “I feel overwhelmed at the thought of working more overtime when we overspend our budget.”

To add emphasis to your positive affirmations pair them with affection. Saying you love your wife sounds even better when you are physically close to her. Communication works best when you use both words and actions.

Telling them is good, showing them is awesome, doing both is magic. Don’t settle for talk only. Words with no action is lying. Saying you love her but not acting in loving ways destroys trust. You become a con-man spewing sweet words and never following through. Action with no words is confusing. Although it’s awesome to have a spouse who consistently acts in loving ways, marriage can become awkward in silence. Like living with a mime who gets all the actions right, a marriage without verbal affirmation quickly becomes confusing and lonely. The marital magic comes when you combine words and actions. When you tell your spouse she is beautiful and act in ways that make her feel beautiful, you will have a magically wonderful marriage.

What does your wife love to hear? Photo Credit:/ 123RF Stock Photo

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