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Legacy of Generosity (The greatest lesson from my father and for my children)

Writer's picture: Brian LindnerBrian Lindner

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

July 2013 187 - Copy (325x242)

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Be generous with money. I have watched my parents provide generous financial gifts to support causes close to their heart. I have learned from my dad to be conservative with spending and liberal in giving. He never advertises giving. He has shown me generosity is humble.

Happy is the person who is generous. Psalms 112:5

Be generous with loyalty. My dad is loyal. He’s constant and steady and stays true through good times and difficult situations. His faithful loyalty has cost him comfort by continuing to work in exhausting jobs with challenging situations and trying people. At times I have wondered if his loyalty is too generous, but he wisely reminds me generosity will cost something.

But the King replied, “No! I have to pay you what they’re worth. I will not offer the LORD my God a sacrifice that cost me nothing.” 2 Samuel 24:24

Be generous with service. Here is the big one. My dad shows love through service. He’s always helping someone. Some of my earliest memories are joining my dad helping people move furniture or going to the church to work on a maintenance project. To make money when I was in high school, I mowed the lawns of several widows from our church. It was a natural way for my dad to show me the value of hard work and the significance of serving others. When I moved away to college, my dad continued to mow the lawns each week for years. Generosity serves.

Generous hands are blessed hands. Proverbs 22:9

Dad, thanks for demonstrating generosity. You are a great dad and a wonderful grandpa to our boys.

Happy Father’s Day.

Please share your experience with learning generosity.


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